Wednesday, 11 August 2010

weeks 1-6

Just a recap of the first 6 weeks of the Animation Mentor Maya Springboard course!
So far we have learned the basics of creating and manipulating objects in Maya, created a simple character and a hierarchy so all the limbs move correctly and with eachother!, created a set and learned how to place cameras to create shots and finally learned the basics of lighting, texturing and rendering our scenes.

I will attach some pics in further posts so can can see the visual progress of my scene, the character I created had a 'surprised' expression so when it came to creating a scene to place him in I decided on a swimming pool and to have him being pushed of a diving board! ( I was probably thinking about holidays at the time also...) I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, but see what you think!

My character with hierarchy
My pool scene
Pool scene camera 1

Pool scene camera 2

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