Monday, 6 September 2010

Week 10 - final week of springboard!

The final week! can't believe it has gone so quick - but have learned a lot in what seems a short time!

This week we learned about IK (Inverse Kinematics) and FK (Forward Kinematics)  setups for character limbs and the different uses for each.

Our assignment was to use 'one leg' who was set up with IK and create a simple step (or hop) animation!

This was the first time we used a proper character rig with controls for the foot, heel and ball roll.

Here's my attempt below! - changed it a few times as some of my fellow students left comments to help me tweak it!

As this was the last session, we all got put on cam to say goodbye!, Paul our mentor (who is an Alumni graduate) will see us around campus and possibly be a peer buddy to help us with our work through class 1!

Overall I would definitely recommend the Maya Springboard class, not only is it a good way to get used to how AM works and how to use the website and chat to classmates, its also given me a great basic understanding of the software so I feel prepared to start the main course and able to concentrate fully on the animation side without having to worry about the software, I already feel quite comfortable with Maya!

Plus the graph editor is actually making sense now!! :D

Week 9

Im a little late with this entry!!

In week 9 we had the task of cleaning up our robot arm animation that we blocked out the previous week, had a lot of fun tweaking all the graph editor curves to try and add some anticipation and ease-in and outs to make it as smooth and realistic as i could!

we also learned how to constrain the can to the arm so it followed it perfectly! see what you think!